Don West Photography has been catering to the needs of clients for over 40 years.
Based in South Florida, our studio focuses on the individual needs of each and every customer.Capturing the emotions of the moment, projecting your professional best and ensuring that the focus is on you or your product is the core of our business. Photography for everyone. For every need. For every occasion
I graduated with an A.S. Degree in Photography in 1980 and have enjoyed working in the Fort Lauderdale area ever since.
Whether your needs are your special event, your social profile, your distinctive product or a piece of history to be recorded, Don West Photography will capture your smiles and your heart.
From backdrops to light modifiers my mobile studio has it all. Bring me your creative vision, and together we will bring it to reality. Call me at (954) 789-1552
Email me at [email protected] All credit cards excepted.